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  • Post Treatment Instructions
    Microblading Post Treatment Instructions First 24 Hours Post Microblading: Gently wash eyebrows with a mild soap such as baby shampoo, cetaphil, or aveeno with the ball of your finger every 3-4 hours. (DO NOT USE WASHCLOTH OR ANYTHING BESIDES YOUR FINGER) Gently dab brows dry. Apply chapstick thin layer of ointment after every wash. (EXCESS OINTMENT WILL PULL PIGMENT AND YOUR BROWS WILL FADE AWAY) After the first 24 Hours for the next 6 Days: Wash brows morning and night with a mild soap such as baby shampoo, cetaphil, or aveeno with the ball of your finger. Apply chapstick layer of ointment every 3-4 hours to keep brows slightly moist. Do not pick at treated areas. (WE CAN TELL AND WILL CALL YOU OUT) No sweating, makeup on brows, sun, sauna or outside running for 7 days. Getting brows wet in the shower is ok. REMEMBER: Like any cosmetic procedure this is a process. Do not expect immediate results and please be patient. It will be a few weeks before you can fully appreciate the results, and you will love it. General Remarks on Shape and Color: Immediately after the procedure the area treated will look much darker and much more defined (as if it were "painted on") than the final results. Be prepared for the color to be significantly lighter and the overall appearance much softer and more natural after the healing occurs. It will take time for this transition, based on how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates. Usually the exfoliation (peeling) process occurs about 4 to 5 days and will be complete at about 2 to 3 weeks. At that point the contrast between the initial intense and dark color and the new softer and lighter color may be such that you may be disappointed. DO NOT WORRY! It is expected and normal and you will be receiving a second application, a "perfecting session" in a few weeks. At that time SHAPE and COLOR will be adjusted to your liking. We can add very easily, but it is much more difficult to remove! You must wait at least 6 weeks between applications. Touching up your microblading prematurely may result in a ruined brows. Typical Healing: Day 1-2 The eyebrows are approximately up to 40% darker and bolder than they will be healed. Your skin is red under the pigment which causes the color of the pigment to look darker. There is some swelling, although difficult to actually see due to the thickness of the skin in the eyebrow area. This will subside. Exfoliation (flaking), which begins in a few days, will cause the excess pigment from procedure to fade away and a more narrow appearance will result. Day 3 Eyebrows start to itch and will appear a bit thicker in texture. Exfoliation (flaking) begins. Day 4 The skin begins to flake – Loss of pigment may occur but will begin to resurface after 4 to 6 weeks. Day 5 Color finishes flaking off and appears softer and grayer for a few days until color clarifies. Follow up session can be completed no sooner than 6 weeks from date of initial service. ENJOY YOUR MICROBLADING!
  • What Is Microblading?
    Microblading is a semi-permanent to permanent eyebrow tattoo that creates unbelievably realistic looking brows. Unlike the traditional method of tattooing that creates harsh, unnatural, solid brows, microblading is done to give you a soft, 3D hair-like effect, without looking fake and drawn in. A special tool, along with pigment, is used to etch fine strokes that simulate real hair into the skin. The brow shape and color is custom, taking into account your unique facial structure and preferences. The completed look is permanent 3D brows! Results typically last 1 to 3 years and sometimes longer depending on several factors.
  • Does Microblading Hurt?
    I take several measures to ensure comfort during your procedure. A combination of numbing cream and liquid anesthetics are used during the application process. Some clients find the process uncomfortable while others report no discomfort at all. It is impossible for me to know exactly how each client will feel, but I always make an effort to take my time and make your experience as painless and easy as possible.
  • How Long Will My New Brows Last?
    The lifespan of your microbladed brows depends on several factors including skin type, skin care regimen, sun exposure, etc. Results typically last from 1 to 3 years after your touch up appointment. ​
  • How Will My Brows Look When They Fade?
    I did a lot of research when choosing a quality pigment line that does not have undesired long term results. When pigments turn red, pink, green, blue, and violet, it is because of the heavy metals contained in over 90% of pigments used in permanent makeup, or from mixing several colors together to achieve the desired pigment color. I was careful in my selection to find a pigment line that does not contain heavy metals and avoided mixing unnatural colors to achieve that perfect brown pigment, but still give beautiful long lasting results that fade true to color. This means they will fade the same color that was applied to your skin. They are also hypoallergenic and synthetic, creating a very safe application and healing process.
  • How Long Does The Procedure Take?
    The initial session, which includes consultation, color selection, and brow shaping, takes approximately an hour and a half to two hours. The touch up takes about 45 minutes to an hour and reinforces the hair strokes.
  • How Should I Prepare / Avoid Before My Appointment?
    6 Weeks Before Appointment You must be off all anti-aging products for 6 to 8 weeks prior to your appointment. 2 Weeks Before Appointment If you receive Botox, please do so at least 2 weeks prior to your scheduled appointment. If you receive fillers, please do so at least 2 weeks prior to your scheduled appointment. 1 Week Before Appointment Do NOT take any blood thinning medications including but not limited to Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Vitamins, Supplements, Herbs, Fish Oil, Juice Plus+, and Protein Powders. NOTE- IF ANY OF THESE MEDICATIONS ARE PRESCRIBED BY YOUR DOCTOR, WRITTEN PERMISSION MUST BE PROVIDED TO DERMATIC FX BEFORE DISCONTINUING. 24 Hours Before Appointment NO alcohol or caffeine 24 hours prior to the procedure, this will help in minimizing bleeding and help you to retain your color better! The Day of Procedure Do not work out the day of the procedure. Do not have a sunburned face. Minimize sweating and sun exposure.
  • How Long Is The Healing Process?
    The healing process is different for each person depending on several factors. It is typical for people with oily skin to go through a peeling process, while people who have normal to dry skin do not usually experience peeling. ​​REMEMBER: Like any cosmetic procedure this is a process. Do not expect immediate results and please be patient. It will be a few weeks before you can fully appreciate the results, and you will love it. General Remarks on Shape and Color - Immediately after the procedure the area treated will look much darker and much more defined (as if it were "painted on") than the final results. Be prepared for the color to be significantly lighter and the overall appearance much softer and more natural after the healing occurs. It will take time for this transition, based on how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates. Usually the exfoliation (peeling) process occurs about 4 to 5 days and will be complete at about 2 to 3 weeks. At that point the contrast between the initial intense and dark color and the new softer and lighter color may be such that you may be disappointed. DO NOT WORRY! It is expected and normal and you will be receiving a second application, a "perfecting session" in a few weeks. At that time SHAPE and COLOR will be adjusted to your liking. We can add very easily, but it is much more difficult to remove! You must wait at least 6 weeks between applications. Touching up a tattoo prematurely may result in a ruined tattoo. Typical Healing Day 1-2 The eyebrows are approximately up to 40% darker and bolder in with than they will be healed. Your skin is red under the pigment which causes the color of the pigment look darker. There is some swelling, although difficult to actually see due to the thickness of the skin in the eyebrow area. This will subside. Exfoliation, which begins in a few days, will cause the excess pigment from procedure to fade away and a more narrow appearance will result. ​ Day 3 Eyebrows start to itch and will appear a bit thicker in texture. Exfoliation begins. ​ Day 4 The skin begins to flake – Loss of pigment may occur but will begin to resurface after 4 to 6 weeks. ​ Day 5 Color finishes flaking off and appears softer and grayer for a few days until color clarifies. Follow up session can be completed no sooner than 6 weeks from date of initial service. ENJOY YOUR PERMANENT COSMETICS!
  • When Is The Touch Up Done?
    The touch up is done no sooner than 6 weeks after initial session and no longer than 12 weeks later.
  • Do You Guarantee Your Work?
    Quality and outcome of work depends on several factors and cannot be guaranteed, however, I thoroughly screen and educate my clients prior to their microblading appointment to ensure they get the most out of their treatment. I do not recommend microblading for people who have very oily skin and who have not properly prepared and considered preparation instructions. Results also depend greatly on how well post care instructions are followed. I can only educate on proper care but cannot force you to care for your brows how they should be cared for.
  • How Do You Choose The Pigment That Will Look Best On Me?
    Pigment is chosen after carefully assessing natural hair and eyebrow color, as well as skin tone, and the client’s desired look. ​
  • I'm Pregnant. Can I Have My Brows Microbladed?
    Microblading cannot be done on anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding.

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