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Service prices

Microblading Services

Initial Microblading The initial microblading session takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. Your brows will be shaped according to your bone structure, facial features, and personal preferences. It's okay if you have no idea what you want! That's what I'm here for. Once you approve the shape, the process will begin.


Initial Touch Up This is what we consider the perfecting session. It is normal to lose a small amount of pigment after your initial session. Going over the brows will help to reinforce pigment and make the color last longer. We can also make small changes to thickness and color if needed. 


Mini Touch Up A mini touch up is done between 6 weeks and 3 months of your last session. Some skin types or areas of the skin may not hold pigment as well as others and need a color boost more frequently. This session takes approximately 30 minutes and will have your brows looking fresh again in no time!

1 Year Touch Up You didn't need a touch up before 3 months but now your brows are looking a little dull. This touch up is done between 3 months and 1 year of your last session.

After 1 Year Touch Up Anything after 1 year of your last session is considered an after 1 year touch up. Some skin types hold onto pigment for many years without needing any help. As long as I still have an easy guide to work with, you will only pay touch up pricing.






*Please note that pricing is subject to change. If at any time you have lost too much pigment to be considered a touch up, brows will be redone at the cost of $250 for previous clients.

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